Background Screenings in Delaware

Background Screenings in Delaware

In order to prevent cases of child abuse, Delaware’s Attorney General Beau Biden is urging employee screening for employees of youth programs and summer camps. While many currently conduct background checks, Attorney General Biden is encouraging parents to contact programs n order to be sure that Background Checks are mandatory for employees in contact with children.

National statistics indicate that one in four girls and one In six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. Unfortunately, pedophiles are attracted to youth oriented programs and statistics show that only one in ten abused children seeks help, because ninety percent of abusers are known by their victim or are charged with their care.

We can better protect children by mandating background checks for all youth education programs and camps and promoting awareness training for all staff and employees. Delaware’s Stewards Of Children program trains adults to recognize the signs of child sexual abuse.  

“This is a program where we use the rest of the citizens of the state to police this matter. When you have a reasonable belief that a child is being abused or neglected, you have a mandatory duty to report that,” said Biden “The Stewards Of Children program is another critical tool in helping to spot the signs of abuse and neglect and do something about it before a child is injured or before a child is injured anymore.” Read the full article. extlink

U.S. Information Search is a national background & substance abuse screening company located in Rockland County N.Y. As a trusted partner to thousands of business clients in every state, we have been delivering reliable, current and complete information since 1999.